Basic Rules
Basic Rules
Mechanical Gaming
- Mechanical Gaming (or mechgaming) is broadly defined as abusing the game’s mechanics to your advantage.
- Do not abuse game mechanics to perform actions your character could not realistically do, such as building an entire fort in a day.
- Do not use sledgehammers to destroy areas that have been clearly blocked off by admins or to break out of the bounds of the map.
- Do not build bridges or structures over water to break out of the bounds of the map.
- Do not dismantle large amounts or furniture or vehicles for skill XP.
- Do not hoard an unrealistic amount of items or loot every instance of a specific item.
- During events, do not run in and begin looting the entire event area; this is disruptive.
- Factions are given more leniency when it comes to hoarding.
- When first starting out, do not select overpowered equipment for your character unless it fits their background.
- An example of this is selecting a full kit of tactical gear for an office worker.
- If you’re unsure whether something would be considered mechanical gaming, ask an admin.
- Powergaming is broadly defined as forcing actions onto other players without giving them a chance to react, or performing actions that are not realistic for your character or the situation you’re in.
- Wording matters. To avoid powergaming, make sure to always ‘attempt’ your actions to give others a chance to respond.
Not Powergaming:
Your character is trapped on one side of a collapsed bridge. They’ve spotted a bit of loose cable hanging from a semi-secure support beam. They have experience, as mentioned in their backstory, and decide to make a last-minute decision: sprint, jump, and swing across to escape! Because this skill is explicitly mentioned in their backstory, this is not considered powergaming.
Your character is attempting to assassinate another character in charge of a faction. They plan on strapping seven pipe bombs to the bottom of the faction leader’s desk chair, then detonating them as soon as they sit down. Your don’t plan on having your character mention the pipe bombs beforehand, despite the fact that they would clearly be visible. The other player would not have a chance to react to the situation. This would be considered powergaming.
- Give other players a reasonable amount of time to respond to your emotes.
- Do not kill another character on-sight without prior roleplay.
- No one is fearless. If your character would reasonably be scared in a certain situation, roleplay it.
- If you are found to be powergaming, your emote will be voided.
- If you’re unsure whether something would be considered powergaming, ask an admin.
- Metagaming is broadly defined as using knowledge in-character (IC) that you, as a player, only know out-of-character (OOC).
- Some examples of metagaming include:
- Immediately traveling to and looting your deceased character’s base after your new character has been approved.
- Referring to another character by their name after first meeting because you can see it in the chat OOC.
- Seeing someone emote that they’re sneaking up on your character, then immediately reacting IC even though your character could not have reasonably spotted them.
- Acting upon plans IC that you and other players came up with OOC without first discussing them IC.
- If you’re unsure whether something would be considered metagaming, ask an admin.
- Bleeding is broadly defined as allowing your feelings and opinions out-of-character (OOC) to affect yourself in-character (IC), or vice versa.
- Some examples of bleeding include:
- Deciding to harm someone IC because you’re upset with them OOC.
- Acting rude towards someone OOC because their character killed yours.
- If you’re unsure whether something would be considered bleeding, ask an admin.
- You may use both the global chat and in-game radios to contact other players.
- When speaking over the radio in global chat, add a prefix such as *R* to the beginning of your message.
- Do not hold long conversations over global chat.
- If a radio conversation in global chat goes on for an extended period of time, participants will be advised to move to mechanical radios.
- Unless specified otherwise, it is assumed that anyone speaking over the radio in global chat is speaking on a public frequency.
- If you want to hold an entirely private conversation and prevent potential metagaming, speak over a private frequency on a mechanical radio.
- Players will be unable to speak in the global chat without a mechanical radio on their person; however, they can view all messages sent. This is a mod.
- If you need help, submit a ticket in-game or on the forums instead of flooding the global chat (assuming you have a radio).
<< i. General Guidelines
iii. Character Rules >>
Last Updated: June 23, 2023