Notoriety Leaderboard

Notoriety Leaderboard

Notoriety Leaderboard

This leaderboard documents the current notoriety rankings of all well-known characters in the server.

For details regarding how the Notoriety System works, see NOTORIETY SYSTEM.

Sort the list alphabetically or numerically by clicking on one of the headers.

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Ranking Name Affiliation Notoriety Level Notorious Events
1. Griff Duffy SAXON News 7
  1. Host of "Total Control: With Griff Duffy" on SAXON News.
  2. Responsible for biting a man at the local Wendy's.
  3. Currently on trial for facilitating a small arms war in a foreign country.
  4. Part of a team who attempted, but ultimately failed, to blow up the local CCN broadcast building in Downtown Los Angeles.
  5. Attempted, but failed, to assassinate a member of the Nine Life Kru with the "Purple Leviathan"; identity was exposed by the survivor.

Last Updated: July 6, 2023
