• Applications for What We Become: Survivor Stories are currently on hold while we work on creating our second wave of combat tests.

    What We Become: Survivor Stories is a series of bite-sized scenarios meant to test our new and improved combat system in action! Our first wave contained 5 different scenarios, all taking place within the What We Become universe. Our second wave will contain 5 more scenarios. If you've been waiting to play on the server, now's your chance!

    Additionally, each scenario has a limited number of slots for each role in the party, as well as an overall participation limit. If you apply for a role/scenario that is already full, you will be asked to apply for a different role/scenario. You can view the number of slots remaining for the current scenario on its respective forum post, linked above.

    Make sure to check out our latest newsletter if you haven't yet! It has lots of information about our upcoming lore, among other things.

Minister's Speech | Republic of Monroe




Minister Chen made a speech to the citizens of Monroe this evening, which was also broadcast via radio across The Barrens.
Good evening Monroe, and to those of you listening elsewhere. It’s a pleasure to see so many people out tonight: so many new faces, too. It really is an honour to be able to welcome everyone across The Barrens into our community. Whether you’re a merchant or a medic; a builder or a trader, there is a place in Monroe for you.

Tonight, I will be addressing not only Monroe, but the entirety of The Barrens on behalf of our community. I am proud to represent such a vibrant collective of citizens. Now, it is no secret that these past couple of months have been difficult for all of us in the region, let alone here at home. Self-centred personalities and warmongering egos have sought to destabilise the peace that we have all yearned so hard for, and it has been my role, as your Minister, to guard this peace with every fibre of my being. However, it is the support of the hard-working citizens of our town that has empowered me to be successful in doing so. Peace in The Barrens has been protected. For that, I must personally thank the people of Monroe. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for putting your trust in my administration with Deputy Hand. We couldn’t have done this without you.

The Chen-Hand administration is proving to be incredibly rewarding for our community. Even during these pressing months, we have just been able to welcome a number of freshly trained recruits to our new peacekeepers team. The peacekeepers project is perhaps the proudest moment of my ministership so far, with the work of Deputy Hand being integral to making Monroe safer for us all. Let it be no secret that we are navigating our positions as your Minister and Deputy Minister with a Monroe-first policy. There will be no needless sacrifice or endangering of our brave peacekeepers under my ministership. I am proud to make this clear to the region right now. To our new peacekeeper graduates, thank you for your service.

This leads me onto some incredibly exciting news for our people. Deputy Hand and I have an ambitious vision for our community’s evolution that will be starting from this night onwards. Monroe is more than just a town: it is a beacon of stability that the people of our region need and deserve. So, this is why I am proud to announce that we are founding the Republic of Monroe. We are enshrining our sovereignty and independence into the very DNA of our community, protecting the values that we all hold so dearly, as Monrovians.

I have no doubt that you will all have so many questions about the new status of our home. What does this mean, really? Well, as I say, the founding of our Republic makes room for a written constitution that will be binding for future generations of Monrovians. This stability will be our gift to them. We are stronger as a Republic. I’ve also no doubt that many of you will be wondering what this means for the upcoming election period. To that, I say don’t worry: we are still several months away from any potential elections, so this is a conversation that will be had soon. At this time, we are united under the new banner of the Republic.

I leave my people now with the pride of knowing that Monroe is at the beginning of a bright future: a future build on inter-community relationships, trade and partnership. For those of you listening elsewhere, let me say this: our Republic has her arms open for you. The Republic of Monroe is for everybody - I hope to see even more fresh faces around next time I address you all. Now, goodnight.
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