• Applications for What We Become: Survivor Stories are currently on hold while we work on creating our second wave of combat tests.

    What We Become: Survivor Stories is a series of bite-sized scenarios meant to test our new and improved combat system in action! Our first wave contained 5 different scenarios, all taking place within the What We Become universe. Our second wave will contain 5 more scenarios. If you've been waiting to play on the server, now's your chance!

    Additionally, each scenario has a limited number of slots for each role in the party, as well as an overall participation limit. If you apply for a role/scenario that is already full, you will be asked to apply for a different role/scenario. You can view the number of slots remaining for the current scenario on its respective forum post, linked above.

    Make sure to check out our latest newsletter if you haven't yet! It has lots of information about our upcoming lore, among other things.

Information Pamphlet - Monroe Law, Punishment and Emergency Conduct


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2020
The Monroe Court of Law

No person under investigation may be imprisoned for longer than a week before being put in front of a court of law. This time period may be extended by the Minister or Head of Security up to one additional week (two weeks total) if deemed necessary. This time period will be spent arranging for a trial and gathering evidence.

The Court of Law will always consist of:

The Minister
Head of Security

The suspected party
The offended party (if available)

Two or more impartial peers, who must be citizens.

Both the suspected and the offended party are given the opportunity to speak their case, receiving questions from the Head of Security and Minister. Peers will watch the proceedings. After a period of questioning, when no more answers are given or deemed needed, the Head of Security and Minister will call a meeting with the peers, where they will discuss the case further. Here they will decide to either prolong the questioning or pass judgement.

In every instance of lawbreak, the implicated parties must always receive a due trial in which they will have a chance to speak their case - no matter how clear cut the case may seem.

All lawbreakers and lawbreaking incidents are kept on file in the Security Building.

Range of Punishment

The range of punishment is listed below. Depending on the crime and severity, a person may receive more than one kind of punishment.

  • A warning
  • A small fine (2-10 gold)
  • A medium fine (10-30 gold)
  • A large fine (30-50 gold)
  • Labor (1 week up to 6 months)
  • Hard labor (1 week up to 6 months)
  • Termination of Citizenship and banishment
  • Execution

Termination of Citizenship and Banishment

Very severe offenses and repeat offenses may result in the termination of citizenship and banishment from Monroe. The banished citizen will have one day (24 hours) to pack up their belongings and leave.

Failure to leave within the appointed time will lead to the forceful removal of the individual in question by Monroe Security.


A citizen may be brought in for questioning if their activities are deemed suspicious by Monroe Security. This is not an arrest, but an investigation. A citizen may not be held for more than 24 hours, unless their questioning leads to an arrest. A released citizen may be brought in for futher questioning at a later date if deemed neccessary.

All information acquired during questioning will be logged and kept on file by Monroe Security.


Execution is the most severe form of punishment receivable in Monroe. The case leading to execution will have always see the suspected party convicted of murder/knowingly causing loss of life, either one or several counts.

From time of judgement to the execution taking place, no more than a week should pass.

The convict will be informed of the time and date of execution. They will be offered to talk with a priest in private, and a single conversation with either a friend or next of kin (if possible), overseen by an officer of the law.

The convict will be taken, in restraints, outside the gates of Monroe to a previously surveyed, close and safe location to be shot through the head. This is the standard - convicts may not choose their own means of execution.

Present at the execution will be the convict, the Minister, the Head of Security, an assortment of security personnel chosen by the Head of Security, and two witnesses.

Time and date of execution will be noted on the case file, as will the names of all present along with their roles. The body of the convict will be delivered to next of kin if available, or buried within or outside Monroe as seen fit.

The act of execution will always be performed by the Minister or the Head of Security.

Enemy of Monroe

A person or group may be publicly declared an Enemy of Monroe. An Enemy of Monroe is deemed ‘shoot on sight’. This means the Monroe security forces are allowed to shoot this person or group if seen near the gates. The Monroe administration does not encourage vigilante action against an Enemy of Monroe, and recommends that all citizens stay far away from them. The act of torturing an Enemy of Monroe is still a serious offense, punishable in a Court of Law.

State of Emergency

The Minister may at any time call a State of Emergency. This is done in the event that the streets of Monroe are deemed unsafe. Reasons may include:

  • Terrorist attack near Monroe.
  • Terrorist attack within Monroe.
  • Dangerous criminals being known to reside inside Monroe, requiring these to be immediately found and detained.
  • A declaration of war has been made on Monroe, and attacks are expected.
  • Red eye horde attack - breach or imminent breach of gate/walls.

A State of Emergency will be publically and immediately announced, as well as called off, over the Monroe Public Radio Frequency. This is always done by the Minister. No other person is allowed to call a State of Emergency.

During a State of Emergency, Monroe will be put under complete lockdown, with no one allowed in or out unless otherwise announced.

In a State of Emergency, the security forces of Monroe have extended permissions. They are allowed to punish crime on sight using appropriate levels of force - however, deadly and crippling force is still strictly prohibited. Members of the security forces who over-extend their permissions will face judgement for their actions.

All crime and misdemeanors performed during a State of Emergency will be subject to harsher punishments in a Court of Law.

During a State of Emergency, unless told otherwise, all citizens are required to go to their homes, close and lock their doors, shut their windows, keep a working radio on and remain until the State of Emergency has been called off. All visitors are required to go to the bar of the inn. Further instructions are given over the Monroe Public Radio Frequency.


A time may come when Monroe will need to be evacuated for a given amount of time. The evacuation announcement will always be made over the Monroe Public Radio Frequency by the Minister or Head of Security.

Instructions on the evacuation will be given over the radio and will be dependant on the cause of the evacuation, but are most likely to include:

  • Instructions on what to bring, if anything.
  • Instructions on which gate to go to.
  • Instructions on conduct.
  • Instructions on where to go, and how to get there.

Citizens are encouraged to always keep a radio on them, and maintain it so that it is always in working order.

Published by the Winters Administration
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