The list of information below is not all required knowledge. However, if your character requires it for some reason—or if you are just genuinely curious about the history leading up to this one-shot—please read below. I mainly encourage you to read the lore regarding Korshunov, Celephais, and the Alliance. Thanks.
- Takes place five years after the events of What We Become: Part II.
- Anton Korshunov was the Head Councilor of the Coalition. He is considered to have been a despot, only concerned with spreading his influence and amassing more territory under the Coalition banner.
- The Alliance was a "Grand Alliance" formed from defectors of the Coalition, the community of Monroe, a rebel group known as the Inner Cities Liberation Front, a group of nomads known as the Crows, and a secret military organization known as Brighton. The head of the Coalition side was the former Interim Head Councilor of the Coalition, Leclair Mercier.
- The final battle, as it pertains to Anton Korshunov, took place on two fronts: one in the Nazareth District in the capital city of Pittsford, NY, and the other during the "Battle for Celephais" in Nunavut, Canada.
- The Battle for Celephais was a conflict over what was thought to be a munitions bunker buried under the ice in Nunavut. Also present in this battle were Warlord Carl Miller and his raider band, as well as the inhabitants of Celephais, rumored to be called "Group Six".
- Following Anton Korshunov being overthrown, the Coalition was taken over by Leclair Mercier, who has upheld its council. The role of Head Councilor is up for vote every five years; however, a councilor can continue to run without a limit to their terms.
- The Coalition is run by an executive council composed of fifty council members while a senior councilor governs among them. These council members are picked from the best and brightest both communities have to offer from both the Western and Eastern Front parties. Roles include in the Prime Office include
- Leclair Mercier - Head Councilor (HCOTC)
- Cornell Harvey - Deputy Head Councilor (DHCOTC)
- Byron Gilyard - Prime Office Speaker (POSOTC)
- The Representative Cabinet includes:
- Cameron Baileford - Representative of State (RoS)
- Truman Parker - Representative of National Defense (RoND)
- Linus Mandel - Representative of Trade and Commerce (RoTC)
- Maggie Clancy - Representative of Food, Agriculture and Self-Sufficiency (RoFAS)
- Harold Van Buren - Representative of Health and Welfare (RoHW)
- Dane Mannix - Representative of Justice and Intelligence (RoJI)
- Martin Findlay Jr. - Representative of Social Affairs and Labour (RoSAL)
- Anton Korshunov is currently serving a life sentence in Pittsford, NY.
- The CMDF stands for "Coalition Maritime Defense Force." It is a reorganized naval force for the Coalition led by Admiral Jonathan Ridley. All ship designations have been changed from the original "Coalition Service Ship (CSS)" to "Coalition Defense Ship (CDS)".
- Other branches of the Coalition Military include and are represented by the Representative of National Defense:
- Coalition Ranger Corps (CRC) led by William Kozuch
- Coalition Army (CA) led by Windham Quemada
- Coalition Aviation Group (CAG) led by Gilberto Jimenez
- Coalition Homeland Guard (CHG) led by Mindy Hines
- Military and Civil Intelligence are largely controlled by:
- Ranger Intelligence Group (RIG) led by Jared Vaugerson
- Office of Strategic Intelligence led by Gabriel Ravendark
- Coalition Communications Security led by Vincent Shrake
- The last widely reported sighting of the CSS Terrafaux occurred during a raid on Anton Korshunov's forward operating base in Nunavut. It left port undamaged after its sister ship was sunk by a targeted bombing.
- The captain of the CDS Roderick J. Wynn is Kevin Kilean.